Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in nine fields of activity to decrease SARS-CoV-2 transmission (Spain, September 2020-May 2021)
Published in Frontiers in Public Health (Q1), 2023
We estimated the association between the level of restriction in nine different fields of activity and SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility in Spain, from 15 September 2020 to 9 May 2021. Increased restrictions decreased COVID-19 transmission. Limitations include remaining collinearity between fields, and somewhat artificial quantification of qualitative restrictions, so the exact attribution of the effect to specific areas must be done with caution.
Recommended citation: Barbeito, I., Precioso, D., Sierra, M.J., Vegas-Azcárate, S., Balbuena, S.F., Vitoriano, B., Goméz-Ullate, D., Cao, R. and Monge, S., 2022. Effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions in nine fields of activity to decrease SARS-CoV-2 transmission (Spain, September 2020-May 2021).