Smart Shipping Project Wins Second Prize at Ocean Hackathon 2021

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Hello dear readers,

I’m excited to announce that our Smart Shipping project won second prize at the Ocean Hackathon 2021 in Brest, France!

Our project, developed at UCA Datalab, aims to optimize marine shipping routes using real-time data on ocean currents, wind, and waves—known as “weather routing.” This innovation promises to save fuel, reduce emissions, and support the ecological transition in marine transport.

The Ocean Hackathon featured over a hundred teams from 15 cities. Our regional final in San Fernando (Cádiz), coordinated by CEEI Bahía de Cádiz and hosted at Navantia Training Center, was a precursor to the international competition. We are incredibly proud to have secured second place in the grand finale, surpassing teams including Stanford.

Check out our presentation from the event in the video below:

This achievement reflects our team’s commitment to advancing sustainable solutions for shipping. We’re eager to continue our work and contribute to a greener future for marine transport.

All the best,

Daniel Precioso