Making Waves in Brussels: How I Took the Stage at the European Parliament

2 minute read


Hey there, dear readers!

I’m still buzzing with excitement as I think back to the amazing experience I had yesterday. Representing Canonical Green at the European Parliament was absolutely unforgettable, and it’s a moment that will stay with me for a lifetime.

During my time on stage, I got to introduce our super innovative solution called Green Navigation, which is all about revolutionizing the shipping industry. We focus on sustainability and making a real impact on the environment by significantly reducing the carbon footprint of shipping operations.

I started my pitch by dropping a crazy statistic: did you know that the shipping industry releases 30 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every second? It’s a massive problem, and we need some serious solutions ASAP!

The highlight of my pitch was introducing Green Navigation, a data-driven approach that we’ve developed at Canonical Green. Our tool empowers shipping companies to cut their emissions by at least 2% while making their journeys safer for everyone involved. And it can be implemented right now! All you need is a computer and Internet access to make it work. It’s affordable and accessible for businesses of all sizes.

As one of the co-founders of Canonical Green, I took the opportunity to shout out for some funding to speed up the development and improve the reliability of Green Navigation. We know that collaboration and reaching out to the wider shipping industry is crucial if we want to create a sustainable future together.

I gotta give a huge shoutout to the incredible people who supported me throughout this journey. David Gómez-Ullate Oteiza, Javier Jiménez de la Jara, Antonio Alvarez Ramirez, Nerea Quintana Vilavert, Salvador Morón Curt, and Tomasz Aleksander Miś, you all rock! Your advice and guidance were absolutely priceless in shaping my pitch. I’m beyond grateful to have such awesome individuals by my side. And of course, big thank you to The Arch for making this possible.

If you missed my pitch at the European Parliament, no worries! Just click the image below or follow this link:

Let’s join forces to revolutionize the shipping industry with Green Navigation. Together, we’ll pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future. Let’s do this!